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Questions about our Adult Program?  Contact 

Frog Hollow Adult Tennis Program is designed to create social, competitive, and fitness opportunities for all levels.  Players can socialize with friends and meet new tennis partners in adult events, clinics, and leagues.  We also offer numerous competitive programs for beginners to high-performance adult players.  This includes but is not limited to, Frog Hollow in-house leagues, Buxmont, and USTA. Finally, we offer clinics designed to help mix up your fitness routine if you want a fast-paced workout in a clinic or a one-on-one workout with a certified pro.  Frog Hollow Racquet Club is a full-service tennis experience for our adult players.


Sign up online, in person, or give us a call.  All clinic sign-ups may be made up to 1 week before the clinic. If you are unsure what level of clinic to sign up for, please speak to one of our pros or sign up for a FREE evaluation.  If you are unable to attend a clinic that you have registered for, please cancel as soon as possible. This allows the club to open up space for players on the waiting list and for the club to plan court time and pros accordingly. Cancellation fees may apply. Please note, that to participate in adult clinics at Frog Hollow, players must be at least 18 and have graduated from high school. Thank you for your understanding and for helping to make our program run smoothly.

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Adult Clinic Schedule

Adult Program Schedule
Registrations Open 1 week Prior to the Clinic Date at 6:30 am

All clinics have a player minimum to run as scheduled. If you cannot attend a clinic/program, please make sure to call us at (610) 584-5502 and let us know right away! Cancellation fees may apply. Please note there is a player minimum that needs to be met for programs to run as scheduled. 

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