Are you interested in competitive tennis? Frog Hollow has competitive leagues and teams for all levels of players. We have an in-house league for social and fun matches and we have Bux-Mont, USTA, and CUP leagues for more serious competition tennis. We also offer a “Flex League” for players who want to compete but are unable to commit to a particular time or day. Whatever kind of competition you’re looking for, we have something to offer you! Some leagues require that players be Frog Hollow members to participate.

Travel Leagues
Bux Mont League
Time Varies by Team and Level
Click HERE to link to directly to the Bux-Mont Tennis League web site
Frog Hollow takes part in an indoor ladies’ doubles travel league. This league runs from September through March and teams travel within the Bucks and Montgomery county area. We currently host multiple A, B and C teams. Level ranges from beginner to advanced player. League standings and scores can be viewed HERE.
USTA Leagues
Time Varies by Team and Level
Frog Hollow hosts men’s and women’s USTA teams each spring, a mixed league during the winter and senior and tri-level teams each summer. The spring and summer teams are a combination of doubles and outdoor teams that travel singles. These teams are within the Montgomery and Bucks county area and play other clubs within their league. All USTA team players must be Frog Hollow members.
Inter-Club (CUP)
Mondays & Wednesdays
This is a ladies spring travel league that plays outdoors at various country clubs. These clubs are located in Philadelphia, Chester, Montgomery, and Bucks County and sometimes southern New Jersey. This league plays April through June and teams consist of doubles and singles players.
In House Leagues
Ladies In House League
11:00 - 12:30 pm
& 12:30 - 2:00 pm
Frog Hollow runs a ladies’ in-house league throughout the year. These leagues run in six week sessions. The in-house leagues offer a fun and competitive doubles league for ladies to participate in competitive play. Two levels of player are offered: USTA level 2.5 (or no USTA rating) or USTA level 3.0 - 3.5. Please note: there is a fee charged for all subs.
Mix It Up Doubles
4:30 - 6:00 pm (summer)
5:30 - 7:00 pm
This league is for doubles and mixed doubles players to Mix It Up! Play matches against like-leveled players each week for fun and competitive tennis! Teams can be same gender or mixed. You will play with the same partner for all 6 weeks as either a mixed doubles team or a regular doubles team. Please note: there is a fee charged for all subs.
Co-Ed Round Robin
5:00 - 6:30 pm (summer)
1:00 - 2:30 (fall/winter)
This is a co-ed doubles league for 3.0-3.5 level players to participate in competitive play. This is a great opportunity to practice doubles strategies and techniques. All matches are played in a round-robin format. Play is outside during the outdoor season and indoors during the indoor season. Partners will switch each week. Players must have a minimum 3.0 USTA rating to play in this league.
Adult Orange Ball League
Day & time vary by season
This is a co-ed doubles tennis league for 2.5 players and up. Open to all ages (adult). All play is with “orange” tennis balls. Sign up with a partner or we can assign you one. Orange balls have reduced bounce making the points last longer and forcing you to move more. It is a great cardio workout and will help improve your technique and consistency.
Flex League
Times vary
The Flex League is a singles league ideal for men/women who want to join a league but need a flexible schedule. You schedule your own matches - we’ll assign opponents at your level!
Please note, indoor season court time is at a premium! Matches may be booked up to 2 weeks prior to play at the below listed time or you may book matches anytime if booked up to 48 hours prior to play. During the outdoor season, outdoor courts may be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.
Indoor Season Booking Hours
Monday - Friday
6:30 am - 9:00 am & 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday
6:30 am - 8:00 am & 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
*Players may book anytime on the weekends up to 1 week in advance.
Outdoor Season Booking Hours for Indoor Courts (outdoor courts may be booked at any time based upon availability)
Monday - Friday
6:30 am - 9:00 am & 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm
7:00 am - 8:30 am
7:00 am - 9:00 am
Singles Ladder
Times vary by season
This league offers a great opportunity to play singles matches with new competitors throughout the summer! Win your way to the top of the ladder! Level USTA 3.0+. More details and registration can be found HERE.

Frog Hollow provides babysitting for our members when they are participating in team play, lessons or contract times. The price for babysitting is $8 for 1 child, and an additional $2 for each added sibling. There is no charge for babysitting during Bux Mont matches. Children must be at least one year old. Babysitting is available Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Please email Bonnie Conway at or call her at the club at (610) 584-5502 to make a babysitting "reservation" at least 24-hours in advance.